A Mother and Child.

Ever since I was married 30 years ago, I became a wife and not long after I became a mother. Today the roles have increased, not just am I a mother to three children but also am a step-mother to five children, a grandmother to five young children aged 7 to 2 with another two on the way. At work I am in charge of sixty over staff and the responsibilities have increased since.

How do I manage one may think? I don't actually. Everyday is a struggle for me, if not physically, it is a struggle mentally for me. Now only my youngest son and hubby live with me. Everyone else is living on their own. But that does not mean my role as mum is any less than if there were all living with me. Am not so worried about the married children, they have started their own lives with their own family. Occasionally getting visits from them and the other children is always a blessing.

My daughter is now 5 months pregnant, Praise be to Allah. The other day I reminded her that one has to be knowledgable to be a mom. Maybe if I was more knowledgable in raising my children, they would turned out to be much better people today. But in Islam there shouldn't be any ifs, as all that happened in our lives are our destiny. However a mother with great knowledge can raise a child to be a great leader with Allah's grace. Teach young children from young what you want them to acquire when old. If one raised a child who becomes a doctor, a lawyer, an entrepreneur, let him or her be a doctor, a lawyer, an entrepreneur who knows the Quran, not one who simply recites. Teach them, taddabur from young then only can we teach and tell them that Islam is a way of life and not a religion for the old as I once thought when I was a very young child. If I know then what I know today, I would have done many things differently in raising my children. So to new Moms and Dads acquire knowledge both for today  and the hereafter, thus you will prepare your child for both worlds from the beginning, in sha Allah.
