Mencari Redha Allah - In Search of Allah's Blessing

This morning my favourite Ustaz was on TV but I do not know his name (Pagi tadi, Ustaz kegemaran saya keluar dikaca TV, walaubagaimanapun tidak saya ketahui namanya).

When I started this blog, I was contemplating on whether to write in my National Language i.e. Bahasa Melayu or in English. You see one need more words to write in Bahasa Melayu. Plus the fact that I was educated since I was six years old in full English except for the Bahasa Melayu. Can one give that as an excuse for writing in English. Plus the fact when I was in primary school Iwanted so much to be like Adibah Amin, writing her 'As I was Passing'. This is purely from memory, did I get it correct? I will check later. Yes I am that ancient.

Coming back to the Ustaz ( will find out his name and remember), today he talked about 'Mecari Redha Allah'- In Search of Allah's blessings (I hope that is the correct translation). Remember my blog 'Marriage- Lillahi Taala' it's related. The Ustaz retold a story during those days maybe during Rasullullah s.a.w. days, one man wanted a rich woman as a wife and he did marry a woman from a very rich family. Years went on and the wife and family found that the man was like parasiting on their wealth and the marriage didn't last long. Another wanted to marry a beautiful woman and of course he ended up marrying a beautiful woman. He had problems surfacing from having a beautiful wife, jealousy etc..Of course the marriage ended too. A third person got married to a woman who was not too beautiful but nice to look at and not too rich but presumably with basic wealth but he was doing it with the hope of getting Allah's blessings, and it ended with them happily married with many children who were soleh and solehah.

It simply ring a bell. It was so important for me to have clever children as I do not want them to struggle academically like me. I wasn't stupid, I don't think so just that I have to work hard to score. So I married the guy who was top of the class both in College and at University (same guy ok). I got what I wanted. Lucky that God considered giving me children, Alhamdulillah. Clever or not, let them be the judge of that but smart mouth they are, am pretty sure of that. I will wait and see who retaliate. Very likely only my daughter will because the sons do not read my blog. My marriage lasted 17 years only.

So not just in marriage, we have to seek Allah's blessings. For if we do we will get happiness both in this world and the hereafter.
