I was at Tabung Haji Kelana Jaya today doing some transactions. When I posed a question to the gentleman serving at the counter, as to when I can re-register for my Hajj pilgrimage again since I performed my Hajj in 2009. His reply was that I can re-register on 1st Muharram of the sixth year after the year I performed Hajj. Thus it will only be 1 Muharram 2015 before I can re-register. I smiled and said what a pity, it will be a while before I can perform Hajj again. That must have sounded so arrogant but the nice gentleman smiled and said pity those who have not been there, at least you have. I felt so ashamed of myself and apologised for saying so. Maybe those who have actually performed their pilgrimage shouldn't go again for fear that we would hamper others from going. After all you're only asked of it once in a lifetime.
Lately I have been tested by Allah with so many situations. I take it that Allah loves me and he has not forgotten me. I may not get what I want but Allah knows what is good for me for the time being. Sad it may be, very hurtful to some extent but a friend said this to me, if Allah does not test you with all these trials, then how can you even learn the meaning of 'sabr'. She also sent me this:
"Barangsiapa tekun beristighfar, nescaya Allah mengadakan baginya jalan keluar dari tiap-tiap kesempitan serta diberi rezeki dari arah yang tidak disangka-sangka." - Hadis Riwayat Abu Dawud
A good reminder for me to consistently istighfar.
Lately I have been tested by Allah with so many situations. I take it that Allah loves me and he has not forgotten me. I may not get what I want but Allah knows what is good for me for the time being. Sad it may be, very hurtful to some extent but a friend said this to me, if Allah does not test you with all these trials, then how can you even learn the meaning of 'sabr'. She also sent me this:
"Barangsiapa tekun beristighfar, nescaya Allah mengadakan baginya jalan keluar dari tiap-tiap kesempitan serta diberi rezeki dari arah yang tidak disangka-sangka." - Hadis Riwayat Abu Dawud
A good reminder for me to consistently istighfar.
Most of the time kita rasa macam kita seorang saja kena sabar. Kita lupa orang sekeliling kita pun kena sabar.
ReplyDeleteSabar ni test untuk setiap manusia yang beringat.
And tak perlu luahkan semua. Memang ada perkara-perkara yang lebih baik diam dari cakap walaupun kita pikir kita betul. Sebab tak semestinya kita betul ;-)
Chill. Pergi makan nasi ma =D