Today on IKIM FM, the ustazah was talking about how Syaitan will continuously influence us to go against Allah s.w.t. We all know that. Example Syaitan gets so upset when a couple decides to marry cause they can't influence them anymore to do the bad things before they are married. Now that the couple has married, Syaitan will try every possible way to break up the marriage instead. They will cause the couple to doubt each other's faithfullness, or they will influence the couple to fight over worldy things and many more examples.
Below is purely my writings, not from the ustazah. Thus, how can we strategise to fight syaitan?
This is from Wikipedia: Definition of 'Battle'.
A battle is a conceptual component in the hierarchy of combat in warfare between two or more armed forces, or combatants. A war sometimes consists of many battles. Battles generally are well defined in duration, area and force commitment.[1]
Let's approach to fight Syaitan, similar to fighting little battles. In life we can't be sure what the war is or how big the war is, where or when it's going to happen. At any instant in life when we have to choose between the good and the bad, choose only the good. Everytime we choose the good, we will win the battle and Syaitan loses. Keep on doing this and automatically it will mean that we are choosing to do things that Allah is asking of us. Then we can supplicate for Allah to give us his Blessings and Rahmah now that we have done good. Still we need Allah's Mercy despite all in order to enter Jannah. Insyallah.
To my young children, let's fight the battles. For every battle we win fighting Syaitan, it will lead us to winning the War against Syaitan in the end, insyallah with Allah's blessings and Rahmah.
Below is purely my writings, not from the ustazah. Thus, how can we strategise to fight syaitan?
This is from Wikipedia: Definition of 'Battle'.
A battle is a conceptual component in the hierarchy of combat in warfare between two or more armed forces, or combatants. A war sometimes consists of many battles. Battles generally are well defined in duration, area and force commitment.[1]
Let's approach to fight Syaitan, similar to fighting little battles. In life we can't be sure what the war is or how big the war is, where or when it's going to happen. At any instant in life when we have to choose between the good and the bad, choose only the good. Everytime we choose the good, we will win the battle and Syaitan loses. Keep on doing this and automatically it will mean that we are choosing to do things that Allah is asking of us. Then we can supplicate for Allah to give us his Blessings and Rahmah now that we have done good. Still we need Allah's Mercy despite all in order to enter Jannah. Insyallah.
To my young children, let's fight the battles. For every battle we win fighting Syaitan, it will lead us to winning the War against Syaitan in the end, insyallah with Allah's blessings and Rahmah.
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