Watched Al-Quran The New Dawn on Al-Hijrah this evening. The host talked about grey hairs, if hair turns grey before its time it's a sign that reveals what goes on inside us. You can't hide what's within even with a smile, he says.
The host went on to talk about how Rasullullah saw's hair turns grey (though in one of the tazkirahs it was mentioned that Rasullullah hardly had '20' grey hairs), as the Prophet's experiences (worries about his ummah) that, which was revealed in the three surahs, Surah Yunus, Surah Hud and subsequently surah Yusof. I can't explain. I have to read this up myself.
How much there is to learn about Rasullullah, and if we do not even try to get to know our prophet more then how can we even ask for his syafaat on judgement day. For those who has been to Medina, do you cry as you as you are leaving 'The Raudah'. Well if you know and love Rasullullah s.a.w. you should cry cause the feeling is like you are leaving your loved one and we always pray that we get another chance to be there. I felt guilty about not sending my salam to Rasullullah recently through someone I know who was going to be there as I didn't want to trouble her plus we can also give salam from anywhere in the world everyday and an angel will be the medium to send our salam to Rasullullah saw.
Rasulullah saw bersabda:
Barang siapa berselawat kepadaku disisi kuburku masa aku mendengarnya, barang siapa berselawat kepadaku dari jauh maka selawat itu diserahkan oleh seorang malaikat yang menyampaikan kepadaku dan ia dicukupkan urusan keduniaan dan keakhiratan dan aku sebagai saksi dan pembela baginya,'
(Hadis Riwayat Al-Baihaqi dan Al-Khatib).
From hair turning grey due to worries and stress for normal people like us, whatmore for someone who worries about us, his ummah and how can we not even try to get to know him better. Emulate him and love him our Rasullullah saw.
The host went on to talk about how Rasullullah saw's hair turns grey (though in one of the tazkirahs it was mentioned that Rasullullah hardly had '20' grey hairs), as the Prophet's experiences (worries about his ummah) that, which was revealed in the three surahs, Surah Yunus, Surah Hud and subsequently surah Yusof. I can't explain. I have to read this up myself.
How much there is to learn about Rasullullah, and if we do not even try to get to know our prophet more then how can we even ask for his syafaat on judgement day. For those who has been to Medina, do you cry as you as you are leaving 'The Raudah'. Well if you know and love Rasullullah s.a.w. you should cry cause the feeling is like you are leaving your loved one and we always pray that we get another chance to be there. I felt guilty about not sending my salam to Rasullullah recently through someone I know who was going to be there as I didn't want to trouble her plus we can also give salam from anywhere in the world everyday and an angel will be the medium to send our salam to Rasullullah saw.
Rasulullah saw bersabda:
Barang siapa berselawat kepadaku disisi kuburku masa aku mendengarnya, barang siapa berselawat kepadaku dari jauh maka selawat itu diserahkan oleh seorang malaikat yang menyampaikan kepadaku dan ia dicukupkan urusan keduniaan dan keakhiratan dan aku sebagai saksi dan pembela baginya,'
(Hadis Riwayat Al-Baihaqi dan Al-Khatib).
From hair turning grey due to worries and stress for normal people like us, whatmore for someone who worries about us, his ummah and how can we not even try to get to know him better. Emulate him and love him our Rasullullah saw.
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