When I first express to my friend my plans of going for Hajj in 2008, the first thing he asked was, whether I was ready? I felt that it was such an insult to be asked that question but I guess that would be an appropriate question to ask. I was not listed to go that year but thanks to the Al-Mighty as He knew the answer to my friend's question was 'No, I was not ready'. That year during the ESQ course I attended one of the things we did was to 'tawaf' a mock-up Kaabah and I had no idea what God's plans were. So I didn't get to go that year but I had more time to prepare myself should I go in 2009.
Early in 2009 I started sending an appeal letter to Tabung Haji, the organisation that handles the affairs of the pilgrims each year. I decided not to use the agent Rayhar as they failed to help me get a place the year before so I did not register with them that year. Not their fault really, Allah did not will so. Months passed without a word but I told my sister and my cousin to continue preparing mentally and spiritually as though we would be making the trip that year anyhow. We went for classes separately if I remembered well as all three lived in different districts in Selangor. One day I received a form to register with Tabung Haji Travels and I thought it was a sign. Together with my sister's and cousin's form I appealed that I needed to accompany both my sister and cousin as they were already pensioners with enough money to perform Hajj. That was in June 2009. It was only in late October that we received news that we were going on 16th November. Physically we were ready, we had our meningitis shots already, we had our passports, we already prepared our luggage. Mentally we were ready too but spiritually only He knows.
Knowledge is very important as pre-requisite for our amal and iman. Even though all the people who arrived in Makkah were invited by Allah s.w.t. knowledge on how to perform Hajj is an asset. There may be those without much knowledge but Allah paved the way for them. That's simply Allah's mercy on who he pleases. In my opinion at least we need to know the basics, the wajib and rukun of Hajj so we know the dos and don'ts and what constitutes the need to pay dam etc. That could be the easiest part of Hajj knowing what to do one step after another or even if you don't you can either follow what others do or there may be a guide to help you. You can also read it up in books before you leave.
It's the spiritual part that can be difficult. This part of Hajj is also the most challenging and this varies between one individual to another. To me it's like taking an exam. The lesser you prepare, the lesser the probability for you to get higher marks. This is totally between you and Allah. The objective is to achieve Mabrur where the rewards is none other than Jannah. What do we have to do?? Do we just recite doa to ask Allah for the worldly things as well as for the hereafter. There are many books that can help us to learn how to do this.
To me it is important to empty yourself 'metaphorically'. 'Ikhlas' is the word. Make your presence there as a slave to Allah, only subserviant to him. Solat Taubat & istighfar to repent and seek for His forgiveness. Qiamulail, solat Tahajud, solat Tasbih, tawaf sunat and reciting the Al-Quran to profess and strengthen our love for the Al-Mighty. We repeat this as many times as our body and soul could sustain. Nearing the Hajj, have plenty of rest and pray that Allah will give you the physical and mental strength to perform Hajj.
One must learn to understand why the Hajj rituals are such. What transpires behind the routine that had to be carried out by muslims from all over the world disregard of skin colour, status, you name it. Understanding this makes us appreciate what Rasullullah s.a.w., Nabi Ibrahim a.s., Nabi Ismail a.s., Siti Hajar r.a., Nabi Adam a.s. and Hawa r.a. went through in the name of Islam and to worship Allah the only one worthy of worship.
Commencing with wukuf in Arafat, mabid in Muzdalifah, Mina and back to Makkah. What exactly do you need to do to nourish towards the spiritual change. What is expected of us in Arafat, taubat, taubat, taubat and may Allah forgive us all. In Muzdalifah is an example of us all at Mahsyar, not anywhere close. My advice do not rush to Mina shortly after mabid but stay to perform solat subuh if you can as Rasullullah did just that then. Experience Mina to the fullest but one have choices to an early tahlul by going back to Makkah after a brief stay in Mina. Come back again to Mina the following day for 3 days.
All in all during Hajj season one must learn to be kind, selfless, help others in need and literally learn to live with other jamaah unless you stay in your own hotel in Makkah but making the short trips to Arafat, Muzdalifah and Mina. Then your experience is totally unique in its own way.
We need to know and with knowledge insyallah Allah will have mercy on us. Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim. Insyallah you will be rewarded with Hajj Mabrur.
Early in 2009 I started sending an appeal letter to Tabung Haji, the organisation that handles the affairs of the pilgrims each year. I decided not to use the agent Rayhar as they failed to help me get a place the year before so I did not register with them that year. Not their fault really, Allah did not will so. Months passed without a word but I told my sister and my cousin to continue preparing mentally and spiritually as though we would be making the trip that year anyhow. We went for classes separately if I remembered well as all three lived in different districts in Selangor. One day I received a form to register with Tabung Haji Travels and I thought it was a sign. Together with my sister's and cousin's form I appealed that I needed to accompany both my sister and cousin as they were already pensioners with enough money to perform Hajj. That was in June 2009. It was only in late October that we received news that we were going on 16th November. Physically we were ready, we had our meningitis shots already, we had our passports, we already prepared our luggage. Mentally we were ready too but spiritually only He knows.
Knowledge is very important as pre-requisite for our amal and iman. Even though all the people who arrived in Makkah were invited by Allah s.w.t. knowledge on how to perform Hajj is an asset. There may be those without much knowledge but Allah paved the way for them. That's simply Allah's mercy on who he pleases. In my opinion at least we need to know the basics, the wajib and rukun of Hajj so we know the dos and don'ts and what constitutes the need to pay dam etc. That could be the easiest part of Hajj knowing what to do one step after another or even if you don't you can either follow what others do or there may be a guide to help you. You can also read it up in books before you leave.
It's the spiritual part that can be difficult. This part of Hajj is also the most challenging and this varies between one individual to another. To me it's like taking an exam. The lesser you prepare, the lesser the probability for you to get higher marks. This is totally between you and Allah. The objective is to achieve Mabrur where the rewards is none other than Jannah. What do we have to do?? Do we just recite doa to ask Allah for the worldly things as well as for the hereafter. There are many books that can help us to learn how to do this.
To me it is important to empty yourself 'metaphorically'. 'Ikhlas' is the word. Make your presence there as a slave to Allah, only subserviant to him. Solat Taubat & istighfar to repent and seek for His forgiveness. Qiamulail, solat Tahajud, solat Tasbih, tawaf sunat and reciting the Al-Quran to profess and strengthen our love for the Al-Mighty. We repeat this as many times as our body and soul could sustain. Nearing the Hajj, have plenty of rest and pray that Allah will give you the physical and mental strength to perform Hajj.
One must learn to understand why the Hajj rituals are such. What transpires behind the routine that had to be carried out by muslims from all over the world disregard of skin colour, status, you name it. Understanding this makes us appreciate what Rasullullah s.a.w., Nabi Ibrahim a.s., Nabi Ismail a.s., Siti Hajar r.a., Nabi Adam a.s. and Hawa r.a. went through in the name of Islam and to worship Allah the only one worthy of worship.
Commencing with wukuf in Arafat, mabid in Muzdalifah, Mina and back to Makkah. What exactly do you need to do to nourish towards the spiritual change. What is expected of us in Arafat, taubat, taubat, taubat and may Allah forgive us all. In Muzdalifah is an example of us all at Mahsyar, not anywhere close. My advice do not rush to Mina shortly after mabid but stay to perform solat subuh if you can as Rasullullah did just that then. Experience Mina to the fullest but one have choices to an early tahlul by going back to Makkah after a brief stay in Mina. Come back again to Mina the following day for 3 days.
All in all during Hajj season one must learn to be kind, selfless, help others in need and literally learn to live with other jamaah unless you stay in your own hotel in Makkah but making the short trips to Arafat, Muzdalifah and Mina. Then your experience is totally unique in its own way.
We need to know and with knowledge insyallah Allah will have mercy on us. Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim. Insyallah you will be rewarded with Hajj Mabrur.
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