This Malay drama revolves around a man who had a good foundation in Islamic education but who chose the life of someone who gambles and as the eldest control the wealth left by his late father all to himself. The whole story cut short. However he mentioned to a girl whom he heard reciting the Surah As-Shura and asked her if she knew what the tafsir for the surah. He remembered his late wife always reciting the surah As-Shura. The girl later thanked him because after that conversation she went to learn the tafsir for the Surah which I tried to read myself but was not sure what the message is in the tafsir. However I reckon it describes what will happen to people who have done wrong and what they will return to. Allah's Firman in Surah As-Shura are about those who have wronged during the times of Moses als., Aaron als., Abraham als., Noah als., Hud als., Luth als., Shuaib als. and Rasullullah s.a.w. I must read the tafsir to understand more.
The drama however revolves around the man wanting to sell his portion of the wealth but was refused by one of the siblings. He only wanted his share. However at the same time he control the proceeds from the land without sharing the reaps with his siblings. So, there goes a drama with many messages. Siblings are torn apart, because of wealth left behind by dead parents.The man has done wrong by benefitting the reaps all to himself.
Surah An-Nisa'describes the division of properties left by those who has passed on. Ayat 5-14 give some details on this division. Some siblings do fight over properties left behind to them.If you have a lot of property then find out the best way to solve this problem so the children will not fall out with one another after you are gone.
The drama however revolves around the man wanting to sell his portion of the wealth but was refused by one of the siblings. He only wanted his share. However at the same time he control the proceeds from the land without sharing the reaps with his siblings. So, there goes a drama with many messages. Siblings are torn apart, because of wealth left behind by dead parents.The man has done wrong by benefitting the reaps all to himself.
Surah An-Nisa'describes the division of properties left by those who has passed on. Ayat 5-14 give some details on this division. Some siblings do fight over properties left behind to them.If you have a lot of property then find out the best way to solve this problem so the children will not fall out with one another after you are gone.
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