Allah's Firman Az-Zumar
Sahih International
Indeed, We have sent down to you the Book, [O Muhammad], in truth. So worship Allah , [being] sincere to Him in religion.My understanding of Ikhlas or sincerity, one of the Mahmudah charateristics, is to humble onself in carrying out obedience to Allah. When I was 'Lost in the World of Tambun' (Ha..ha..) I was not sure how one start to even repent. In my own words, Ikhlas is to empty oneself of all feelings of sadness, depression, anger, frustration, greed, riya' but simply to humble oneself as a servant of God, asking him for mercy and forgiveness in search of His Blessings. The Doa in Bahasa Melayu;
'Ya Allah, kepadamu aku menyerah diri, kepadaMu aku beriman,atasMu aku bertawakkal, kepadaMu aku kembali, bersamaMu aku menghadapi musuh dan dihadapanMu aku akan diadili, ampunilah dosaku yang telah lalu dan dosa ku yang akan datang, dosa yang aku sembunyikan dan dosa yang aku nam pakkan dan dosa yang hanya Engkau yang mengetahuinya. Engkau yang tidak berawal dan berakhir, tiada yang patut disembah selain Engkau, tiada padaku daya dan kekuatanMu. Ya Allah Tuhan kami yang maha Tinggi dan maha besar.'
Ikhlas, is also to do good deeds to people without expecting worldly rewards or praises.The example of the three youths in Surah Al-Khafi is about the sincerity of doing good deeds and the rewards from Allah.
However, Quote:'The antonym of ikhlaas is nifaaq. On the basis of the principle, things are recognized by reference to their opposites, it is essential to be aware of nifaaq (hypocrisy). A proper awareness and understanding of the meaning of nifaaq will produce a corresponding awareness and understanding of ikhlaas. The perfection and elevation of ikhlaas increase in proportion to abstention from nifaaq. The greater the elimination of nifaaq, the higher the condition of ikhlaas. It is therefore necessary to elaborate on, the meaning of nifaaq'.
lkhlaas and nifaaq are two attributes which operate in every statement and every action. Like ikhlaas has stages, so too has nifaaq. The one is the antithesis of the other, hence both in their states of perfection cannot fuse in one place at the same time because the combination of opposites in a single substratum is impossible. However, they can combine in a single sphere in their states of imperfection. The degree of the non-existence of ikhlaas will produce a corresponding degree of the existence of nifaaq, and the converse is also true, i.e. the degree of the non-existence of nifaaq will bring about a corresponding degree of the existence of ikhlaas.
Syahmi once told me that Ikhlas comes from Allah s.w.t.
ReplyDeleteWe have to ask for it from Allah.
I'm sure you have heard a Dua that have this in it "...mukhlisi nalahuddin..."