If you google for 'Sins of the Heart', a book by Eve Silver would pop up. I haven't the time to see or read the book but the excerpt from the book shows this isn't one that I would pick to read.
Sins of the heart in this context would refer to the sinful acts that we are likely to commit in view of us having a 'bad heart' which is constantly being attacked by 'viruses', which really sums up the 'mazmumah' characteristics that originates from the said 'bad heart' such as those listed below:
- ghadab (anger),
- hasad,
- takkabur (arrogance),
- hatred,
- bakhil (stingy),
- riya'.
Cleansing of the heart is the beginning. One can read about it in many religious books but to literally cleanse your heart takes a lot more than just knowing the theory as most of us could vouch. The way to go about the purification of the heart is to inject the anti-virus into oneself in order to kill the viruses that is attacking the heart. The anti-virus which forms the 'mahmudah' characteristics would include those listed below:
- ehsan,
- ikhlas,
- saddiq,
- patience,
- forgiving
- shukur
- tawakkal
- redha
- taqwa
- infaq
- istiqamah
- Tawadu'
The program to follow to purifying the heart is with the objective of a clear vision that Allah will be pleased with us. They are listed below:
- Solat
- Taubat
- Khauf
- Zikr al-Maut (thinking about death)
- Mahabbah (love)
- Fasting
- Sadaqah
- Zakat
- Zuhud
- Recite Al-Quran
- Sillaturrahim
- Taqarrub
This, I summarized from the tazkirahs that I listened, from my readings, from what I understand simply and also from my life experiences which I may at a later stage share. The bullet points are for me to see and remember easily. I may change the list of the viruses and anti-viruses to the heart as I equipped myself more with knowledge. I will elaborate the meanings of those words in the simplest possible way that one can understand. This is also a reminder for me as we check on ourselves (muhasabah) on a daily basis. Syaitan is always tthere 24-7 to distract us from doing the good deeds. For those who wish to seek proper references please do so as it is important we know what it is and what it means. Remember that life's objective - the ultimate in a person is to be the best in the eyes of Allah.
1) Keajaiban Ibadah - Membongkar Rahsia & Hikmah Ibadah, Mukhlas Asy-Syarkani Al-Falah, Al-Hidayah.
2) 40 Sifat Yang diCintai Allah, Abu Ahmad Fatanah, Al-Hidayah.
3)Taqarrub, Al-Hidayah
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