Maal Hijrah 1433 - Changes (Perubahan)

Every year I would watch for the Maal Hijrah Personality Award and every year too I try to use them as benchmark or to guage where I am in the eyes of the committee of  'award giver'. Nah!! I can never win that award for their contributions to the World or the Nation is bountiful. I simply have to settle for lesser awards or none at all. Remember we can still settle for the best in 'The Eyes of Allah'. No Plaques whatsoever for that but not to worry.

The Ustaz, this morning, on television was talking about Changes in oneself as a resolution for the coming of the New Year (Maal Hijrah). He said that one has to be heroic to make changes, for it takes a lot of effort and strong will (semangat) similar to a warroir going to war. In this case 'War with the Syaitans' that's my interpretation. Take it in your own stride. Do not make resolutions and then forget about it  throughout the year. Need to plan and strategise though but approach it daily. Every new day has to be better than the day before and everyday we have to be better than the person we were the day before, in all aspects. Insyallah let's all do it together for the good of the Ummah.
