Happy Anniversaries My Children

15th August was my Daughter's 5th wedding Anniversary and 16th August was my son's 6th wedding Anniversary. The former is now 7 months pregnant while the latter has two children aged 5+ and 3+. To my daughter-in-law and my son-in-law, thank you for making both my children happy.

I had to take leave from work to play mum.They spent a couple of days in the Subang house before my son and family flew back to Abu Dhabi and my daughter and hubby back to Bukit Jelutong. The house is quiet again now with only me, hubby and my other hero, especially after the Raya and house warming do at the abode in Puncak Alam. Don't know how to attach video taken by my nephew here. As far as I am concern Syawal 1435 is over. Now it's back to work, work, work until I have to take leave to play mum again. Thank you everyone for being a witness to my existence in this world.
