Appreciation, A Gift from The Heart

I grew up from very humble beginnings. I remembered that my father did not earn much but I guess it was enough to meet the needs of the family. As a young girl, I remembered my working brothers and sisters giving my Mom and Dad some money to ease the expenses for the coming month. That was how it goes. Bringing up 11 children was not an easy task.

Upon graduation the path for the future seemed so simple. It was to secure a job so that I could give some of my earnings to Mom and Dad to ease the burden of the monthly expenditure. Simultaneously to have some savings to get married,  to pay a deposit to buy a car, a house and other needs of the family when the time comes.

The family institution has changed and 30 years down the line after a generation has gone, life is very different. The children we once were have grown up children some working and some still looking for a job. The parents are also more fortunate than their previous generation in the fact that the parents are doing well with a good income and some are fortunate enough to have more than one house and probably bought a car even for the children to use. These days the children themselves are struggling with house payment, car payment and many other committments. So how do these children show their appreciation to the parents when the parents are earning  quite substantially compared to the children themselves.

There is no single answer to that. There are 1001 ways to show appreciation. However there is a simple analogy, supposedly the bosses may earn more than the junior staff but that does not mean that the boss is the only one who keeps giving lunch treats, isn't it? Sometimes it's not how expensive the lunch is but it's the thoughts that count.  Wallahualam..

