Happy 21st Birthday

Today is my youngest son, Azeem's 21st Birthday. Even though I know he is not celebrating his Birthday alone but we kinda miss him at home. Typical of me, I didn't send him any gifts, worse I even sent him Birthday wishes to his Malaysian phone number instead of the current Australian number he's using. Talking about being organised guess it's not going to happen in my lifetime.

I wish to put baby pictures of him today but never got them scanned. The days when he used to sommersault at will, jump in the air and get his headless photo taken by sis Ayla, forever needing new glasses as he accidentally sit on them, wishing to run away from home when I was too busy with my career, the days when we were screaming at each other - those days were long gone.

Today at 21, a fine, handsome young man he has grown to be (don't let that get to your head ok), polite to all elders and so refine to the young ladies, missed by his cousins 'The Marjans' and aunts in Malaysia. I wish you all the best in your undertakings, with the Grace of Allah emit only goodness from the heart, be selfless in your daily duties, when at a confluence choose only the good path, never question the misfortune that has befallen you for only Allah knows the hikmah if not today, tomorrow it could be years later before you reap from it. Seek for Allah's Mercy for without His Grace we would be lost souls on earth and the hereafter, Nauzubillahminzaliq.

Thank you for being a good son, insyallah stay that way. Make doa for that too, always. Do your prayers diligently. These words of advice is the gift for the day. Cost me no money. He He...

Take care of him for me and Thank you Allah for all your blessings in our lives. Amin.
