Musibah/ Misfortune

Check this out from real sources ok. I jot this done after listening to my ustaz.

This is the story of Ummu Salamah. She was separated with her husband who went to Madinah to fight for Islam. For a year she was in Makkah with her child Salamah. She was so distraught over the separation until finally her family allowed her and child to join her husband in Madinah. Not long after, her husband died in the Uhud war. Ummu Salamah remembered her late husband told her that Rasullullah had told him about a doa that you make when you encounter any misfortune in your life:

Allahumma ajurni fimusibati wagh lufli khairan minha.

"Ya Allah gantikanlah musibah yang menimpaku ini dengan ganjaran yang lebih baik".
(Ya Rabb replace this misfortune with something better ).

Rasulullah s.a.w. later asked her hand in marriage and which she initially rejected saying she had many children and she is a very jealous woman. However Rasullullah s.a.w. said to her that her children were his and he will ask Allah to rid of her jealousy'. Masyallah what better replacement for Ummu Salamah.

So this doa is not just for women ok.
