Takkabur (Arrogance) vs Tawadhu' (Modesty & Humility)

In life one has to be really careful. We meet all kinds of people, some nice and some don't, some humble, some arrogant, some selfish, some helpful and many other traits either good or bad. I have been blessed to have many good, kind people in my life from siblings to nephews, nieces, friends and colleagues. If you are the type who has never in your life has intentions of wanting to hurt another human being then it puzzles you if you find someone who really hates you and probably wish you dead or disappear from his/her life. It happened to me.

I found that out as he confessed in my face with several witnesses that I was a 'bullshit' leader, causing havoc in my organisation, thinking just of myself especially when I got my promotion. Not clever enough to be a leader etc..etc..etc.. When I heard that I just went Astaghafirullah..Astaghafirullah, Astaghafirullah... If I were ten years younger I wondered if I would spit on his face. I was not angry and I was cool as in my mind I think he is not in the right frame of mind and I think he is sick. As his leader I had to think that way. He is among 45 others directly under my wings.

What I want to share here is on Takkabur (Arrogance). I promised in my blog 'Sins of The Heart' that I will share experiences and relate to the Mazmumah and Mahmudah characteristics that defines us. Takkabur can come in many ways. We, in the process of getting close to Allah can also become Takkabur, example we don't miss our prayers, we read the Quran, we give charity and in the process we think that we are better than others because we think we are more Righteous. We may start thinking others are not as good as we are thus deserve less respect. We make people know of how we feel. This is a form of Takkabur while enhancing iman.

Takkabur too comes when achieving knowledge. When Allah gives us the opportunity to further our studies in whatever field, the knowlege we gain does not necessarily mean that we are cleverer than the other person who did not study it. It is only in one aspect of knowledge probably. The application of knowledge that one learnt is a better judge of how good one is, if anything. However never look down on people who do not have those knowledge but aspire to share, as sharing knowledge will be rewarded by Allah s.w.t. when He wills. If he doesn't will the rewards or promotion yet it's because it's not time yet for you. There's always a reason  or Hikmah behind it and only He the All-Knowing knows the reason why. So do not say that your leader stops you from getting promoted. We facilitate and Allah permits it through the Management. It is not in our hands as we do not give Rezeki into your hands only Allah does when He wills so. Sometimes the system needs to be improved and the management is in the process of trying to make things better for the staff. But work with Ikhlas and eventually it will come your way. So it doesn't mean that when you have got your Masters Degree than automatically you should get promoted. Many others probably with double PhD holders but do not demand such, they just progress and move on. If the organisation is not good in your mind then change what you can, move on, leave. Don't become a bad apple in the organisation and blame the leaders for making you into the type of person who does not contribute to the organisation at all. This is a kind of Takkabur, thinking we are clever so reward us.
This person has the thinking that by doing what he does it's fighting for the rest who are too afraid to voice out to the Management. See it how you like.

The opposite of Takkabur is Tawadhu'. There are many in the organisation who holds a Masters degree but did not react likewise. They are modest and full of humility. They continue to work with ikhlas, with passion and full of challenge and was able to compete in the promotion exercise where all achievements were included in the CV. Are they considered stupid for not demanding a raise or promotion earlier? Unlike our friend, he has nothing to show as he boycotted the Management by not doing any work for almost two years. The process of taking action in Government is too long if you ask me. The rest of the group are getting jobs from neighbouring Countries and yet I am seen as a 'bullshit' leader in his eyes.

I have no intentions of making him look bad (mengaibkan), no names mentioned. Simply lessons to be learnt. The more knowledgeable we are the more humble and modest we should be. It's how we apply the knowledge that is important. Never think that we are cleverer than the person next to us. Never look down on those with lesser knowledge and abilities. Share the knowledge and it will be strenghtened instead as promised by Allah s.w.t. Be Tawadhu'. The rewards are only from Allah s.w.t.


  1. OMG. I think I know who he is.
    To your other staffs, please do not be like him.
    If you hate Ms. Arian Queen sekali pun, cakap dengan sopan one to one.
    Jangan mengaibkan orang. Allah tak suka.

    Ms. Arian Queen, la tahzan.


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