Not All Mom's Dreams

My email to my kids after a get together at my abode:

Strange thing about ‘love’… The more get togethers we have the more I will miss everyone after…So moral of the story- don’t meet!!! Ha ha..Now I understand why dominating mothers insist on their sons or daughters to  stay with them or bring their grandkids or ‘cucus’ to the house on a daily basis on the pretext that you cannot trust the helpers when it comes to the cucu’s safety.
If I am not a busy Grandmama, if I have a big house, if I have more money, I’d love to have all at arm’s length..not even a shout away (seperlaugan jauhnya). Then everyone will suffocate because of me. I should have planned better long time ago but now it’s too late to do anything and I can’t afford anything better than the house at No. 51, .......... for get togethers…
Thank you for spending time with me…

The kids' response...
Adik: So cantiklah Babe. Lets not move out from 51. Jelutong kasi sewaaaa. Bahahaha. Kasi kecah lagi rumah ma. 
Ma, birthday present nak apa? Puas round Pyramid tak jumpa yang "perfect". 
Adik kasi ma kasih sayang je lah. 

Ok fine thank you bye.

Ajim: boleh je suma cram rumah ni.x pun ajim buat bunyi hantu sampai paksa aunty che wah pindah pastu ma beli rumah sebelah.

Me: Dek Ajim nak jadi Frankie in Lat. Good idea Jim. Bang nanti ma pencen ma tukang hantar anak Adik to Nursery, mengaji and music lessons. Sebab tu dia kena duduk umah Auntie Che Wah lepas Ajim buat antu. Wati kena belajar drive ma rasa. Boleh amik lesen tak? Bang maximize her. He..he..

Adik: Gila control mama. Wakakakkaka 
Sampai kak wati pun kena ada license. Oh she has the license to grill lamb at the moment. 

Me: That’s what Nanny does….

Ajim: abg x jawab maksudnya dia x merajuk dah.....

Coming  from a large family, I love having people around. So kids take your own sweet time to leave home ok. Ajim do what you need to do when the time comes. Oooooohuhuhuhu....
