Malay Dramas Contd..

Today is the 19th Syawal and I just finished watching one Malay drama again with kampung scenes, death on eve of Eid etc as I mentioned earlier. I am watching another one now entitled 'Bara Cinta Ramadhan' starring Fauziah Nawi as the screaming grandmother who favours the richer son-in-law to the poorer son-in-law. Screaming at the grandkids whose Dad can't afford to give grandma more money. The mother-in-law comparing the poor son-in-law to the rich son-in-law. The rich daughter being rude and arrogant. The mother in law pressured the son-in-law to pay for the gold chain, the new curtains which the mother forced the daughter to purchase, in the light of teaching the son-in-law how to be the head of the family. Having got his bonus from the Chinese towkey went to buy goodies from the Ramadhan bazzar for his kids. Guess how's the ending..... He got run down by a car and died. The drama ended with all the clans going to the grave on Eid.  If this reflects the Malay community I wouldn't want to be a part of it. Wake up Malays. Why do they still write dramas like this, maybe it's for people like me to watch and get stressed up again or maybe people like this still exist. Aaargh!!!!!...

As I mentioned before, there are lots to learn though:

- do not be the screaming grandmama
- do not be the spiteful mother who gets the daughter to go against the husband
- do not be the type of mother-in-law who slanders the poor son-in-law as she wishes
- learn to respect people and not to be rude
- to be thankful to Allah for all that he has given us, shelter, food, clothings and not to be wasteful especially for Eid.

I think I will just stick to watching Spongebob.
