Changing Mentors

I have a few ustazs that I follow online and I keep changing my keeness to listen to them. I would declare to my husband who my favourite ustaz would be and he kindly listened and simply smile for in a few months time I would change yet again.

A few months before Ramadhan I got into the habit of listening to this particular one. I will not say why I like to listen to him but his tazkirah is good such that you just want to continue listening another of the youtube recording. He is currently my favourite, I declared. He is so knowlegable, does tafsir Al-Quran, talks about Hadis and Sunnah Rasullullah. All the basics that one needs to know.

Then the morning in Madinah, as we were waiting for the bus to take us to ziarah, he came walking by and shook hands with the ustaz from my group, then shook hands with my husband and nod his head in acknowledgement to me. Ha ha...  Of course that didn't mean anything. My husband just smiled. Later in Makkah I had the chance to listen to his tazkirah and even got a book of his compilation of doas for free. Everybody went up to him for his signature and I did the same. In my mind they are just like celebrities huh?!! If I were to follow his classes it would be every Friday evening acorss town at his office 'Telaga Biru'. For those who knows whom this office belongs to would know who the ustaz is. To date I have not gone as it is across town and I have to rush on Friday evening. Maybe I have to fight syaitan as Friday night is the night you kinda retire after a week of hectic schedule. Have to try harder.

I guess if you do not have time to go to mosques to listen to tazkirahs then do it online. at least you can get spiritual nourishment from it. This ustaz also said that blogging, telling the public about yourself , your family this that and the other is not good so I have to stop doing that and find other topics that can be of guidance to my young ones, insyallah.

So kids, find a mentor as one of the 5 steps to cleansing your heart is to be among the righteous or ulamaks (religious teachers). At least I'm starting it virtually already. The other 4 steps I will write about it later.
